Friday, September 17, 2010

F*ck you guys!

To make things clear, I'm just letting out a rant.

I hate the fact that a guy thinks they have control over a woman, the men think that they know everything about the woman.

Fact: No they do not, they know nothing unless they ask questions.

I recently starting talking to a guy -more that he talked to me first-, and you know, like usual, I'm really nice with a hint of rudeness, and he tells me last night that I don't care much and that I wasn't very nice. Well, guess what, I'm tired of being hit on by guys who think they know me, they know absolutely NOTHING about me or what I've been through.

Yeah, I know, I'm being a little rude there, but you know what, I don't give a flying fuck anymore, guys, if you wanna know me, TALK to me, don't ASSUME my personality just by texting me, I can't read minds, I can't tell when your joking. But you know, I can tell when your rude just by what you put when you say

FOR EXAMPLE: "Eh, you don't care about much. Bye." And tell the girl "Oh, I'm going to cut now"

Yeah, real fucking mature dude, yeah you know what, I fucking hate your guts because maybe I don't wanna be talkative or MAYBE I'm busy with something else, and you keep texting me, saying "HELLO!?" That's not going to get me to answer, that's going to get me more irritated with you.

I can tell just by "texting" you that you're a womanizer, just like your "best friend" hitting on every girl you think is cute.

I stay away from those because you know why, YOU DISGUST ME! So, yeah. Stay the fuck away from me, if ya don't like me for who I am, then you know what.


I've enough with assholes, I've had it with guys who think they are full of themselves and assume shit, I'm tired of them. I'm done, fuck you guys. (I will say who I get along with though;


And that's all I can think off) I'm sorry if I didn't mention you, but I'm tired as shit.

Sorry for the rant, I just had too.

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